Sunday, May 31, 2009

WWDD? in Savage Gulf Tennessee.

WWDD? (What Would Davy Do? ).
This trip was a one-nighter to the land of Davy Crockett - Savage Gulf Stat Park. Savage Gulf is located in central Tennessee in South Cumberland Mountains.

Me, Kevin Gervais, and Nadim Kazi went out for a one-nighter to test our gear, and our limits, and to see some pretty cool land formations and scenic overlooks.
It was a fairly un-eventful outing. The trail well maintained and well used. It wasn't as 'isolated' as we might have liked. The campsite was almost full and we could still hear, faintly, sounds (siren, chainsaw/motorcycle) from a distant small town.
We hiked a total of ~8mi. On the way in we hiked along the ridge of the gulf and had some really cool scenic views. We went in at the Stone Door Ranger station and hike 3.2mi to the Alum Gap camp area.

I bought and used a Henessey Hammock instead of the tent and loved it: lighter, easier to setup/teardown, don't need a clearing/flat, doubles as a chair.

The menu was the usual, Uncle Ben's rice, Oatmeal, protein bars.
We left sunday morning and took a different trail out that looped back to the trailhead. We drove out and did another small hike in to see some Falls (the 'Greeter Falls').
We ate lunch at Shoney's in Kimball TN on the way back to Huntsville.

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